Gurmukh Kaur Kalsa
Ho conosciuto il Kundalini Yoga nel 2004, tramite Gurmukh Kaur Kalsa, allieva diretta di Yoga Bhajan, dopo che una amica mi ha regalato un suo DVD. A quei tempi era molto difficile trovare un'insegnante di Kundalini Yoga. Allora vivevo fra l'Umbria e il Portogallo e fare Kundalini Yoga da casa mi risultava essere non solo comodo, ma più che altro l'unico modo per praticarlo con regolarità.
Ho vissuto momenti molto difficili a livello biografico e il kundalini yoga, come insegnato e diffuso da Gurmukh, è stato uno dei strumenti più importanti nella mia vita, anche durante le mie due gravidanze e dopo il trasloco in Svizzera. Assieme ad altri strumenti di risveglio di coscienza che la vita mi ha fatto incontrare, la pratica del kundalini yoga con Gurmukh mi ha permesso di mantenere la disciplina, la forza di volontà e la forma fisica, di elevarmi nei momenti più duri e di rinforzare ulteriormente la mia fede.
Gurmukh sarà sempre la mia insegnante di Yoga e le sarò sempre grata per ciò che mi ha donato. Thank you, Gurmukh! May God always bless you!
Gurmukh was born Mary Mae Gibson in a small Illinois town. At the age of nineteen she left her home and headed west. She was a seeker, though not clear about what she was seeking until she found her Spiritual Teacher Yogi Bhajan and the calling of her Destiny in 1970.
When Gurmukh met Yogi Bhajan, she knew that she had found her Path. Yogi Bhajan gave her a spiritual name that means, “One who helps thousands across the world ocean.” For more than four decades Gurmukh has traveled the world to teach, inspired to fulfill her Destiny.
Gurmukh and her husband Gurushabd sat at Yogi Bhajan’s feet for the Teachings for many years in Los Angeles and New Mexico. Gurmukh taught out of her home in Los Angeles. In the early ‘80s, Gurmukh and Gurushabd pioneered Yogi Bhajan’s first Yoga Center in Los Angeles, a small and cozy studio that built a Community for Kundalini Yoga in Los Angeles.
After many years they opened a studio in Hollywood. There in the middle of the “lights and action,” Gurmukh taught daily. Yogi Bhajan graced Gurmukh and Gurushabd with the name Golden Bridge Nite Moon; and so the studio became a Spiritual Village with a café, wellness center, and yoga boutique where many people found sanctuary.
As the years continued, Gurmukh and Gurushabd were given the opportunity to open a studio in New York City, which is a thriving sanctuary for Kundalini Yoga and Meditation as taught by Yogi Bhajan.
Gurmukh was called to the road more and more, giving most of her time to traveling and teaching.
Gurmukh and Gurushabd now have a home in The Greater World Earthship Community in New Mexico where they go to rest and relax. Gurmukh travels to New York City, to India several times a year, and to lots of beautiful places in between.